
Roundtablel discussion

Goucher College, Baltimore, MD
July 28 - 31, 2024

Colloquium runs every other year and will be held in summer 2026. 

Known for in-depth conversations and intimate size, ACCIS Colloquium offers an opportunity for independent school college counselors to discuss issues impacting our professional lives with colleagues from around the nation. With just 35-40 attendees, the Colloquium encourages discussion, sharing of best practices, and the opportunity to visit colleges in different regions of the country. Based on feedback from ACCIS membership in Winter 2023, a clear theme emerged: counselors are looking for actionable takeaways to further develop our schools' offerings and our own skills, all while connecting with peers in the profession. The 2024 schedule-at-a-glance is linked here.

Small in size and with three distinct pathways — letters of recommendation, communications, and college counseling curriculum — Colloquium provides the time and conditions to learn from each other, consider a variety of perspectives, and put these takeaways into practice. After attending, you can expect to develop strong connections with the whole group and smaller-group cohorts, gain a team of thought partners, reference crowdsourced resources for future use and implementation, and return to your school and office with actionable takeaways for how you tackle letter writing, communications (website, profile, etc.), or college counseling class or seminar curriculum. ACCIS members of all experience levels are encouraged to attend; however, those who will benefit most will have a clear sense of what they hope to gain from the support, content, and focused work time centered on their specific pathway.

The program will include a half-day program at our host institution, Goucher College. For those interested in seeing other local universities, we are collecting feedback in order to facilitate college visit opportunities on July 31 and August 1, upon the conclusion of the formal program.

For further information, contact Colloquium chair Charley Burkly.